Thursday, May 1, 2014

Time To Reach The Peak?

Hi, it has been a long time since my last post, and I'm sorry for that. As some of you will know, I'm currently a high school student studying in Australia and getting prepared for my HSC exam. I recently received my term 1 report card and achieved an A for English. However, my teacher commented I should strive for more in order to reach the peak, and should try doing extra work to improve my standard.  I hope everyone could assist me by giving me advice on how to improve my English level after reading my blog entries.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Dreaming In Process~

Dreams are magnificent,
isn't it just brilliant?
They said dreams never come true,
but they are wrong, I say they do!

I dream of basketball, I feel such delight.
I dream of her, staying up for hours.
Life is like waves, difficulties stand upon us,
but no matter what, I follow my dream.

I know what I want,
quitting is not an option.
So no matter what,
I follow my dreams.

Don't you think that's true?

Hi guys, it's been a long time I haven't updated my blog :P sorry for that. Do you like the poem I wrote? I believe it represents my identity and shows my passion of insisting to follow my dream. A lot of people persist in saying dreams are all lies (especially parents =.=), it will never come true, but at least that's not how I think it is. Dreams represents what a person like and it shows what we desire. For me, basketball, video production, and my girlfriend are the dreams I care the most now. These are also the my interests and what I desire.

I know I've been repeating myself again and again, but I just want you guys to understand the importance of having a dream. Everyone must had a dream once, and that's what made your childhood great, and without it, you're just a "slave" own by your parents. I hope everyone could find a place they belong, follow your dreams!

Dreams are like flawless clouds, perfect and pretty, hanging up in the sky. It could be unreachable, but there'll always be a way.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

"One Piece" of Inspiration

 ”One Piece“ is currently one of the most popular manga globally, it influences me a lot in shaping who I am. I learnt a lot principles of life while reading it. This is where I understand how dream is very important to our life, without a dream, what's the purpose of life? Each character in "One Piece" represents an attitude towards life, I'll talk to you about that later on. "One Piece" taught me the importance of having a dream, and you should always stay strong and insist on attempting your dream. "One Piece" represents my attitude towards life, I would not be who I am without  getting influenced  by "One Piece".

“One day I'll have a ship and crew better than yours! And we'll have the biggest hoard of treasure in the world! I'm gonna be king of the pirates!" Monkey D Luffy (picture to the left) exclaims to Shanks, then Shanks sacrificed his right arm in order to save Luffy's life. Everything starts with this promise, he follows his dream no matter how hard it is, just to keep that promise. Luffy taught me that life is very simple, just follow your dream, and live your life with no regrets. The other reason that kept Luffy to follow his dream is another promise he made with Shanks, before Shanks leaves him, he gave his precious hat to Luffy, and challenge him to return this hat to him once he became a great pirate. Thats his motivation to keep his promise and follow his dream in the quest to become the kind of pirates.

The main theme of "One Piece" can be represented by dream. It indicates every human being should seek and follow their dream, it also represents enjoying themselves with their personal freedom, which should be how everyone should live. But reality does not allow us to do that, everything is restricted, that's why when you have a dream, you should seriously insist and try to achieve it, or else you will definitely regret it when you turned old where you do not have to ability to follow your dream anymore.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Dream Come True?

A dream is a subconscious of what you wish you could do or something you wish to seek for. To most people, perhaps finding a perfect job or enjoy your life is what they desire the most throughout their life, but for me, I would just like to find someone i love and spend the rest of my life with her. And I believe I'd found her.

Does anyone believe in love in first sight? No? Well, deal with it :) Back in 2008 when I was still in year 7, that's the first time I met my girlfriend. I don't know why, but i just believe she's the one I'm seeking for :P so i began to pursue her.

She didn't really even talked to me during the first year even though she knows I like her :3 but I didn't give up, all I did was telling her that I will wait for her no matter how long it takes. I'm not too sure was it because of that conversation, she started to accept me afterwards. By the time she told me she likes me too, it was already 2010 ._. which was 2 years later after I started to pursue her, but she told me she does not want to be in a relationship at the moment as she want to focus and spend more time on her study. I agreed and told her I will wait for her and will propose to her once per year on her birthday.

In 2012 November, I proposed to her again on her birthday, surprisingly she said yes ._. I was seriously shocked and full with excitement, but at the same time, she told me she'll be leaving to England next year to continue with her high school, that's where all those emotion errors all fell on me. Although I really wanted to judge her, but I know it took her a lot of courage to told me that, so i just agreed in silence.

Within that "less than a year" period, we both treasured the time we get to spend with each other, and due to the fact we both know we're quite serious with our relationship, we'd already let both of our parents know about each other. It was actually quite nervous when I had dinner with her family (lol...)  but they knew about our past, and believed in me, and that counts the same towards my family as well :) Both of our family even had lunch and dinner together ahaha (kind-a like we're engaged already....o.0).

Time flies, it was already 2013 august in a blink of an eye, and my girlfriend left to England for high school, it was a pretty hard time for me during the first 2 months after she left, but I tend to get over it as I know I'm going to see her soon. Half a year later, she went back to HK for christmas holiday and we finally get to spend time with each other for another 2 weeks, but after that, it was my turn to leave HK..... My girlfriend went back to UK on January 10th,  2014 and I came to Australia for high school on January 23rd, 2014. It will be nearly a year later until we can see each other again, but again, it's no big deal as long as we believe :)

ps: she cried after I sent her the first draft of this blog entry xD

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Basketball Dream

 I wasn't really in to basketball until I was invited by my friends to play with them 5 years ago, but once I started to play, I was seriously obsessed with it and I desire to learn more about. I trained with my friends everyday during recess, lunch time, and after school, teachers usually complains about how stinky we were every time after we balled, but oh wells...

I was then one of the school representative for 2 years in the U16 team, which involved playing in the HKSSF league, ISSFHK league, ESF league, AICBL, and ACAMAS. These's are the most famous basketball leagues in HK. I managed to gain 6 personal medals and 1 trophy for the school.

I wish I could continue playing basketball like the others, but during that period, my academic grade wasn't that great and I got loads to catch up with, so sadly I have to quit the team and focus on my study. But my passion towards basketball never stopped, I use my spare time to coach the U14 boys basketball team every tuesday after school, and taught years 3-6 students basketball every friday after school. To be honest, it was very exhausting......but I find it very meaningful. Even though I only had roughly 60 students, but at least I contributed to the future of Hong Kong national basketball. I also cooperated with ESF staffs in Hong Kong and held the HK Primary ESF League 2013, it involves a whole lot of planning which makes me very stressed at that time, but it totally worths it.

One of my coach (Cyrus) is a representative of HK National Basketball Team, he runs a basketball academy named GMF, which focuses on teaching team work and respect to kids who loves playing basketball. He once told me "I can see a lot of great players in HK, but their problems are lack of basketball knowledge and does not know how to work as a team, I wish I can do something about it", he wish to contribute and be able to improve Hong Kong's basketball standard, that's the main goal of his life. GMF had cooperated with NBA China, therefore they were given a few tickets to see one of the best point-guard in NBA history, Derrick Rose's tour to HK. My coach knows how I love basketball, therefore Cyrus gave me a ticket to visit him :) I was greatly influenced by my coach, and his attitude towards basketball is the reason why I respect him so much!

Video Production~

I love watching movies, but somehow the way I look at movies is quite different from other people. Normal people would only treat it as something to entertain them, but to me, it is an artistic piece of work, it involves loads of work in order to be able to accomplish it. I love to analyse movies with my family, I usually talk about the story, filming techniques, choice of angles, and how they manage to film it.

I tried two different ways to try fulfill my dream in video production. I'm going to talk about the certificate first, then to the actual work I did.

I was absolute stunned with how difficult it is to create a decent piece of work, and I realised plain experience is not enough in order for me to further understand how video production works, and that's why I took a director course held by feva workshop hk. It is a course specially designed for those whom interested in video production and wish to learn more theory about it. I managed to finish the course with an outstanding score of 92/100 and received a certificate which proves I am capable to film and direct a micro movie or commercial.

Now, on to the actual work I did. I was very lucky to be able to work with HKMMPC (hong kong micro-movie production centre), they provided me a chance to plan and film with them for a micro movie about ghost (link to the video is provided below xD). I guess they were quite pleased with my performance, thats why they offered me another chance to film and edit a commercial that was held by a few HK celebrity. It was a press conference opening actually, so it was quite crowded with lots of other news reporters, well it was just an unforgettable experience. I was then entrusted to edit the advertisement for them, which really was a shock as I'm just a rookie to this area of work, but even the marketing director supported me to give it a go. At least i didn't disappoint them :) Again, links are provided below, so feel free to take a look!

industrial production ~
ghost micro movie: click here
idance grand opening: yep click here
idance grand opening performance: emmm yea... click here

school projects ~
humanities project: click me ^^
personal project: click me again plzzz :P