Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Dream Come True?

A dream is a subconscious of what you wish you could do or something you wish to seek for. To most people, perhaps finding a perfect job or enjoy your life is what they desire the most throughout their life, but for me, I would just like to find someone i love and spend the rest of my life with her. And I believe I'd found her.

Does anyone believe in love in first sight? No? Well, deal with it :) Back in 2008 when I was still in year 7, that's the first time I met my girlfriend. I don't know why, but i just believe she's the one I'm seeking for :P so i began to pursue her.

She didn't really even talked to me during the first year even though she knows I like her :3 but I didn't give up, all I did was telling her that I will wait for her no matter how long it takes. I'm not too sure was it because of that conversation, she started to accept me afterwards. By the time she told me she likes me too, it was already 2010 ._. which was 2 years later after I started to pursue her, but she told me she does not want to be in a relationship at the moment as she want to focus and spend more time on her study. I agreed and told her I will wait for her and will propose to her once per year on her birthday.

In 2012 November, I proposed to her again on her birthday, surprisingly she said yes ._. I was seriously shocked and full with excitement, but at the same time, she told me she'll be leaving to England next year to continue with her high school, that's where all those emotion errors all fell on me. Although I really wanted to judge her, but I know it took her a lot of courage to told me that, so i just agreed in silence.

Within that "less than a year" period, we both treasured the time we get to spend with each other, and due to the fact we both know we're quite serious with our relationship, we'd already let both of our parents know about each other. It was actually quite nervous when I had dinner with her family (lol...)  but they knew about our past, and believed in me, and that counts the same towards my family as well :) Both of our family even had lunch and dinner together ahaha (kind-a like we're engaged already....o.0).

Time flies, it was already 2013 august in a blink of an eye, and my girlfriend left to England for high school, it was a pretty hard time for me during the first 2 months after she left, but I tend to get over it as I know I'm going to see her soon. Half a year later, she went back to HK for christmas holiday and we finally get to spend time with each other for another 2 weeks, but after that, it was my turn to leave HK..... My girlfriend went back to UK on January 10th,  2014 and I came to Australia for high school on January 23rd, 2014. It will be nearly a year later until we can see each other again, but again, it's no big deal as long as we believe :)

ps: she cried after I sent her the first draft of this blog entry xD

1 comment:

  1. This article is my favoriate one of your blog, when I read this article, I almost cried. The process of your love is lengthy, but the outcome is beautiful. Although I'm writting comment, however I do not know what should I write, because your love story is so beautiful. Even I think that feeling can not be described in any language.
    Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.——Robert Browning
