Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Basketball Dream

 I wasn't really in to basketball until I was invited by my friends to play with them 5 years ago, but once I started to play, I was seriously obsessed with it and I desire to learn more about. I trained with my friends everyday during recess, lunch time, and after school, teachers usually complains about how stinky we were every time after we balled, but oh wells...

I was then one of the school representative for 2 years in the U16 team, which involved playing in the HKSSF league, ISSFHK league, ESF league, AICBL, and ACAMAS. These's are the most famous basketball leagues in HK. I managed to gain 6 personal medals and 1 trophy for the school.

I wish I could continue playing basketball like the others, but during that period, my academic grade wasn't that great and I got loads to catch up with, so sadly I have to quit the team and focus on my study. But my passion towards basketball never stopped, I use my spare time to coach the U14 boys basketball team every tuesday after school, and taught years 3-6 students basketball every friday after school. To be honest, it was very exhausting......but I find it very meaningful. Even though I only had roughly 60 students, but at least I contributed to the future of Hong Kong national basketball. I also cooperated with ESF staffs in Hong Kong and held the HK Primary ESF League 2013, it involves a whole lot of planning which makes me very stressed at that time, but it totally worths it.

One of my coach (Cyrus) is a representative of HK National Basketball Team, he runs a basketball academy named GMF, which focuses on teaching team work and respect to kids who loves playing basketball. He once told me "I can see a lot of great players in HK, but their problems are lack of basketball knowledge and does not know how to work as a team, I wish I can do something about it", he wish to contribute and be able to improve Hong Kong's basketball standard, that's the main goal of his life. GMF had cooperated with NBA China, therefore they were given a few tickets to see one of the best point-guard in NBA history, Derrick Rose's tour to HK. My coach knows how I love basketball, therefore Cyrus gave me a ticket to visit him :) I was greatly influenced by my coach, and his attitude towards basketball is the reason why I respect him so much!

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