Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Video Production~

I love watching movies, but somehow the way I look at movies is quite different from other people. Normal people would only treat it as something to entertain them, but to me, it is an artistic piece of work, it involves loads of work in order to be able to accomplish it. I love to analyse movies with my family, I usually talk about the story, filming techniques, choice of angles, and how they manage to film it.

I tried two different ways to try fulfill my dream in video production. I'm going to talk about the certificate first, then to the actual work I did.

I was absolute stunned with how difficult it is to create a decent piece of work, and I realised plain experience is not enough in order for me to further understand how video production works, and that's why I took a director course held by feva workshop hk. It is a course specially designed for those whom interested in video production and wish to learn more theory about it. I managed to finish the course with an outstanding score of 92/100 and received a certificate which proves I am capable to film and direct a micro movie or commercial.

Now, on to the actual work I did. I was very lucky to be able to work with HKMMPC (hong kong micro-movie production centre), they provided me a chance to plan and film with them for a micro movie about ghost (link to the video is provided below xD). I guess they were quite pleased with my performance, thats why they offered me another chance to film and edit a commercial that was held by a few HK celebrity. It was a press conference opening actually, so it was quite crowded with lots of other news reporters, well it was just an unforgettable experience. I was then entrusted to edit the advertisement for them, which really was a shock as I'm just a rookie to this area of work, but even the marketing director supported me to give it a go. At least i didn't disappoint them :) Again, links are provided below, so feel free to take a look!

industrial production ~
ghost micro movie: click here
idance grand opening: yep click here
idance grand opening performance: emmm yea... click here

school projects ~
humanities project: click me ^^
personal project: click me again plzzz :P

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joshua

    The video links are great! I really like the hyperlink text; a clever way to incorporate colloquial langauge into your blog. You have also focused on the one theme of 'dreams' for your title and entries; again, cleverly integrated and developed. Hope you find time to create videos while studying in Australia, perhaps for International Festival?
