Saturday, March 22, 2014

Dreaming In Process~

Dreams are magnificent,
isn't it just brilliant?
They said dreams never come true,
but they are wrong, I say they do!

I dream of basketball, I feel such delight.
I dream of her, staying up for hours.
Life is like waves, difficulties stand upon us,
but no matter what, I follow my dream.

I know what I want,
quitting is not an option.
So no matter what,
I follow my dreams.

Don't you think that's true?

Hi guys, it's been a long time I haven't updated my blog :P sorry for that. Do you like the poem I wrote? I believe it represents my identity and shows my passion of insisting to follow my dream. A lot of people persist in saying dreams are all lies (especially parents =.=), it will never come true, but at least that's not how I think it is. Dreams represents what a person like and it shows what we desire. For me, basketball, video production, and my girlfriend are the dreams I care the most now. These are also the my interests and what I desire.

I know I've been repeating myself again and again, but I just want you guys to understand the importance of having a dream. Everyone must had a dream once, and that's what made your childhood great, and without it, you're just a "slave" own by your parents. I hope everyone could find a place they belong, follow your dreams!

Dreams are like flawless clouds, perfect and pretty, hanging up in the sky. It could be unreachable, but there'll always be a way.

1 comment:

  1. Good blog,
    I am very agree your write
    "Dreams are like flawless clouds, perfect and pretty, hanging up in the sky. It could be unreachable, but there'll always be a way."
