Monday, March 3, 2014

My Dream

Everyone must have had a dream once, it's just a matter of fact do you try to attempt it and make it a dream come true. I'm very excited to be able to share with you about my past and how I'd tried to fight for my dream. Although some failed, but as long as you tried, you will not regret what you did.

Welcome to my blog, what this blog will be about is how I tried to fulfill my dream, which is mainly about basketball, video production, and my personal life. Most people think dreams are just dreams, it's very unrealistic, but I can tell you it is not! Your dream might not be the job you'll be doing when you grow up, therefore it's just a myth that it's not necessary, but I can say for sure it has a huge connection to your education, social life, interest, your future. Achieving your dream will have a huge impact to your life, and will be able to change your
perspective to life. But these are just my opinions, everyone has different thoughts. Well, hope you enjoy and be able to understand how your dream is important in making who you are from reading my blog!

1 comment:

  1. Hey~your background is so nice,more people and people walk fast,like busy life.You say,you want your dream be true,so do want everyone have a dream,but,what is your dream?What your really want to do? how do you do to let your dream be true?lots of problems,but,I think you really have able to do it.I read you every blog,That's amazing!you are a conversationalist,and your language is beautiful,I hope one day I have able to write like you,hope your blog have more people visit~good luck~
